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How to Grab Freelancing Projects

How to Grab Freelancing Projects is just one of the 17 modules that you will learn in advanced digital marketing training program.

Any freelancing site that deals with business networking solutions and social networking opportunities, both at a time is the ideal choice. However not all job outsourcing sites deploy social networking opportunities for their members. If you can join a social business-networking site that allows you to know more about potential employers and build relationships through regular communication - there is nothing better you can expect.

To be a successful Freelancer online and make good money you need to Develop your business profile at its level best and keep updating it time to time directly communicate with employers and prospects and build a rapport build a strong social network surrounding friends, peers, partners, employers, companies and project owners.

Freelance website advice

Is your profile quality one? It's important to fill it with all details as publishing as many samples as you can. Since you are new, samples have to sell you.

Bid advice

How do you bid? Clients on those websites are sick of "Dead sir..." bids with dozens of links. Be specific and give a client what he wants exactly. Try to find a smaller job first. For example, a client is looking for a special add-on, which you can make in 1 day - take a risk and make that addon, put it on your skills and show the client the concrete sample. If I get approached like this, I would give you the project.

Any beginning is hard. I see you've been trying for 2 months so I see you are persistent. Just keep it that way. And always have in mind, that 2 most wanted things are: "a new hot technology from your area of specialty" and "knowledge of technology which is at the same time very wanted and very few people know it".

If you have any of these, the success is inevitable.

You can grab freelancing assignments not only in your city or in India but literally in any corner of the world. According to one estimate, every third user of is from India.

The US-based website helps freelancers get assignments and takes a cut when the deal is done. It's a trend that is slowly catching on. A growing number of professionals is junking regular employment to try their hands at freelancing. They are driven by the dream to be independent and work on their own terms without the straitjacket of a 9-to-5 job. To be fair, freelancing does unshackle the individual from the tyranny of corporate hierarchy. 

You are your own boss and get to draw your own schedule. However, it is not a cakewalk. "While being on your own offers you the flexibility of working in your own fashion, it is certainly not a bed of roses. One has to work very hard to establish oneself and, subsequently, get a regular income to be successful. 

Getting started

The jobs are everywhere. What you need to do is find the niche that matches your expertise. "Don't go by just the current demand, but also assess how it will shape up in the coming years. An in-depth research in your field goes a long way in finding your way in the market.

Appearances and behavior count

Being your own boss doesn't mean you can do things your way all the time. Yes, you are not an employee and there is no dress code for freelancers, but it's important that your attire and demeanor exude professionalism.

You might not be taken seriously if you go to a meeting in casual wear. Similarly, you should realize that you are a marketing manager, cost accountant, HR head and CEO all rolled into one. Be polite when you meet your clients. 

Don't lose patience if they don't understand your pitch, or look down upon them if they cannot afford your services. Keep one golden rule in mind: the customer is always correct. Listen to him, and then customize your offering to his needs. Don't try to customize his needs to what you have to offer. Also, never shy away from seeking advice from others who have been in the market for a while?

Schedule your time. 

This is often the most difficult thing for any home based employment or business since you do not have a boss to answer to (unless it is your spouse). Decide on how many hours you intend to devote to your work, and then follow through. If you get a contract for a freelance job, set a timetable, and stick to it. 

Give every project your very best!

Your work, not the reputation of a company, is your strongest reference for future work. Never submit substandard writing 
projects or incomplete material, it will only cause a potential customer to look elsewhere on their next project. 


Think of what you are capable of. If you can really do it? If your answer is yes, all you have to do is start small! Create a blog and publish a post every once in a while. Tell your friends, family, and neighbors about your job. Create flyers and distribute to random people you see. Do anything you want that you think will improve your business!


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