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Mobile Web Marketing

Mobile marketing offers the ability to communicate in real time with consumers via a mobile device in a variety of ways; you can send SMS/MMS messages to your customers, create mobile responsive websites and emails, and develop apps to engage your customer base and more. Mobile used in conjunction with existing channels such as web, email and social to drive meaningful engagement with your brand.

Mobile is becoming not only the new digital hub but also the bridge to the physical world. That’s why mobile will affect more than just your digital operations; it will transform your entire business. The mobile medium can be leveraged to achieve outstanding results for your brand, today and for the future.

Mobile is now considered the 7th mass media with the other 6 being Print, Recordings, Cinema, Radio, Television, and the Internet. They are called mass media because they reach out and touch not only the elite but also the greater masses.

Defining the role of mobile within your business is one of the most important choices your company will ever make. We provide the right tools, advice, and insight to ensure you make the right choice. When times are tough every penny in a marketing budget has to count. Even more so than when times are easy and the market is good, companies need to use smart marketing to reach consumers. Every single outreach needs to make as big an impact as possible. There is really no room for marketing that doesn’t have a solid return on investment.

The ubiquity of the mobile phone now offers businesses an unrivaled channel to reach and build relationships with superior results. With over 7 billion mobile phones in circulation, the number of mobile devices has surpassed the global population and they can be reached via mobile messaging. Our personal relationship with the mobile phone has also changed significantly in recent years. It has become a powerful, interactive communication tool, able to produce compelling graphics and feature-rich promotional content-in short, designed for mobile marketing.

What’s so special about the mobile industry?

It is the first mass media that is capable of doing everything the other six can do. We can read the newspaper, watch movies, listen to music, watch TV shows and surf the web on our smartphones. More importantly, mobile phones have benefits that the other 6 media don’t have.

It is the only media that is truly personal and carried constantly. Mobile phones are not shared with others.

Mobile is the only media where each consumer can be identified individually by their phone number with a degree of accuracy not available with any other media.

Mobile is the 1st and only media that is always on. Messages, news, and promotions are delivered instantly and can be accessed 24/7 by consumers.
The mobile phone is the only media that is constantly with the owner.

Mobile Optimize Your Website Easily

It’s the easy cure for “reverse pinch!” You know that ailment... While viewing a website on a mobile phone, the thumb touches the index finger, then must sweep apart in an attempt to view a website intended for a computer screen.
Do your website visitors suffer from “reverse pinch?”

ClickHOST, and your website can easily be mobile- optimized! You can be up and running in a few days. ClickHOST is now your answer to making your website mobile- device friendly.

Best of all, when you make changes to your website, those changes are automatically made on your mobile website, too. Now there is no reason for visitors to strain to view your website on web-enabled mobile devices.

How Does Mobile Marketing Work?

Mobile marketing consists of ads that appear on mobile smartphones, tablets, or other mobile devices. Mobile marketing ad formats, customization, and styles can vary, as many social media platforms, websites, and mobile apps offer their own unique and tailored mobile ads options.

Why You Need a Mobile Marketing Strategy

Your business needs a mobile marketing strategy for the same reason that you need a computer and Wi-Fi access – this is the age in which we live! Walk around any major city and you’ll find more than just a few folks with faces glued to their smartphone screens. According to recent reports, 40% of users’ Internet time is spent on mobile devices, which means simply ignoring the rise of mobile just isn’t an option.

Some other interesting mobile marketing statistics:
  • 80% of mobile device time in spent on apps, with game apps eating up the largest percent of app time
  • People browse 70% more web pages on tablets than smartphones
  • Retail conversion rates are 2.2% on tablets, considerably higher than 0.7% on smartphones, but traditional PC conversion rates are still highest at 3.3%
  • Mobile searches have increased 200% year over year in 2012 Mobile is here to stay, and if forecasts are correct, it will soon by eclipsing desktop usage.
Types of Mobile Marketing Strategies

There are a healthy variety of mobile marketing strategies to try. The kind that works best for your business will depend on your industry, target audience, and budget.

App-based marketing: This is mobile advertising involving mobile apps. While 80% of mobile time is spent engaged with apps, you don’t have to create an app yourself to get in on the action. Services like Google AdMob help advertisers create mobile ads that appear within third-party mobile apps.
Facebook also allows advertisers to create ads that are integrated into Facebook’s mobile app. Facebook’s mobile Promoted Post ads integrate so seamlessly with Facebook’s news feed that users often don’t realize they’re looking at ads.

In-game mobile marketing: In-game mobile marketing refers to mobile ads that appear within mobile games, like in the example below. In-game ads can appear as banner pop-ups, full-page image ads or even video ads that appear between loading screens.

QR codes: QR codes are scanned by users, who are then taken to a specific webpage that the QR code is attached to. QR codes are often aligned with mobile gamification and have an element of mystery to them since users who scan them don’t always know exactly which rabbit hole they’re jumping down.

Location-based marketing: Location-based mobile ads are ads that appear on mobile devices based on a user’s location relative to a specific area or business. For example, some advertisers may only want their mobile ads to appear when users are within a 1-mile radius of their business.

Mobile search ads: These are basic Google search ads built for mobile, often featuring extra add-on extensions like click-to-call or maps.

Mobile image ads: Image-based ads designed to appear on mobile devices.

SMS: SMS marketing involves capturing a user’s phone number and sending them text offers. This is considered somewhat passé. 


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